
The Yin and Yang of Taiwan-Mainland relationships: One country, two countries; One country, two governments; One country, two systems

平安夜(2010-12-24)从北京首都国际机场乘长荣航空BR719航班直飞台湾桃园机场。这次来台是应国立台湾大学心理学系黄光国(Kwang-Kuo Hwang)教授、义守大学管理学院彭台光(TK Peng) 教授之邀,就全球化中的国家文化及本土心理学研究(Indigenous research)之话题进行学术交流。在台北与黄光国教授及其领导的台湾心理学界(包括来自国立政治大学、东吴大学、国立台湾师范大学)的学者们进行了研讨。在高雄与义守大学彭台光教授及研究团队、以及正在高雄访问的香港科技大学管理系的樊景立(Larry Farh)教授进行了交流,并给博士生们做了“继承和超越霍夫斯泰德”(Inherit Hofstede and go beyond Hofstede)的演讲。在台四天的时间里,看到无数的来自大陆的旅游团,在青天白日一片红的旗帜下合影留念。对大陆游客来讲,台湾既十分熟悉又无比陌生。比如语言、文字、哲学、饮食等等都是中华文化一脉相承。但台湾与大陆毕竟是敌对了半个多世纪的对手,许多黑白是非都是与大陆反过来说的。比如说,在台北的“忠烈祠”里纪念着国民党烈士的英灵,戴笠排名第一。记得2010年夏天在大陆的重庆渣滓洞纪念馆参观,戴笠是头号特务头子,是人民公敌。这几天我在台湾的大街小巷捷运高铁转悠,发现台湾是一个颇有人情味的社会,人民的平均素质较高,从出租司机、宾馆前台、夜市小贩、到大学教授,他们对人有礼貌。走在马路上,起码在视觉上看不到什么“刁民”,有安全感。另外,在政治上,无论是支持蓝或绿,台湾人对中国大陆的快速发展非常了解,也非常欢迎大陆游客(“陆客”)来台自由行。
 黄光国(Kwang-Kuo Hwang)教授(右四)不仅是台大终身教授,而且名片上还有“总统府国策顾问”之头衔。

Speaker:  "Tony Fang"

在高雄的义守大学与彭台光教授(前排中),国立屏东科技大学林教授(Timothy C. Lin,前排右一)以及博士生(后排)合影。

Building a Capitalistic Communist China

Both China and the West can learn a lot from any conflicts and collisions. China's progress in the past 30 years has not come without costs, e.g., human, ecological, and environmental. This is probably why "the focus on economic growth" has, for the first time in the post-Mao era, not been written into the Party charter at the Party's latest congress in October 2010 to guide China's future social and economic development.

At the same time, China's model of human development has been largely unknown to the West. China has been balancing between stability, control, state planning ("The visible hand") on one hand, and change, openness, and market ("The invisible hand") on the other. This dynamic approach to democracy and human rights has been little known to any established Western theory books. The question: Do we allow China and/or can we respect a country with 1,4 billion inhabitants (still increasing per year by 10 million - alltså twice as much as the entire Norwegian population) to do this experiment?

China's "both/and" way towards democracy and human rights is a dynamic and sophisticated scenario that goes beyond even the wildest imagination of any functionalist "either/or" teachers. This is a long-term seemingly irrational process of struggling and often self-sacrificing under many generations for the larger whole of aspiring to see China's re-rising. The film HERO - directed by Yimou Zhang - disclosed the analogy of such vision already from the first Emperor of ancient China.

Most Western experts including even some of Sweden's brightest minds are still wearing old ideological sunglasses to see China. This is one important reason why the West and even Sweden have started lagging behind. As far as I am concerned, for the first time in the human history, China is building up the world's largest Capitalistic Commmunist society (or Communistic Capitalist society), attempting to integrate the best components of both into China's future. This is not just the fantasy of a few individual decision makers but a natural response to the enormous challenges that China faces for the sake of stability of not just China but the world.

Nevertheless, China's attempt and the very process of such attempting is not going without serious problems. The integration of the "both hands" is not an easy job, often causing unwanted repercussions. But this seemingly paradoxical vision of human development has its deeper philosophical and practical underpinnings. The Chinese approach will have a fundamental impact on the future course of not just China but also the humanity.

I asked my students: If U.S. has five things to learn from China, can we in Sweden and Nordic countries name just one or two things that we can also learn from China so that our children and grandchildren would not blame us for self-inflated intellectual superiority and confidence?

Source: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1938671,00.html

The Assange Revolution

Assange has been arrested but THE ASSANGE REVOLUTION is coming. The Assange case reveals some politicians ugly faces and their anti-humanity approach to power in the name of democracy and human rights. Assange is not spying for any nations. If someone still wants to say Assange is "spying", he is "spying" for the interests of the humanity. The Assange case needs to be interpreted in the light of increasingly vibrant global culture. The arresting of Assange (also the verdict of the Pirate Bay case) shows just how far our current political, legal and intellectual frameworks are lagging behind the pacing of the real world. It is high time to touch the base of humanity and human fundamentals. I am extremely sorry and also kind of shamed to know that it is a Swedish initiative to contain both the Pirate Bay and Assange, a typical example showing how man is lagging behind the new era of race in creativity and vision in the 21st century.